Complex solutions
for the future

Sustainable, green and economical

Our expertise - since 1999

Development of products and processes based on complex liquids, solutions and extraction processes

The development and adaptation of sustainable products, processes and extracts with high performance for industry is the speciality of SKH GmbH - in cooperation with the Chair of Physical Chemistry at the University of Regensburg.

Our focus is on liquid products such as cleaning agents, cosmetics, pharmaceutical formulations, plant extracts, green solvents and recycling processes.
Your advantages

Applied research

The latest research results are directly incorporated into industrial practice. Rapid processing by our multidisciplinary team and direct communication with our customers.

Proximity to the university

Scientifically and analytically profound research using resources from the Chair of Physical Chemistry at the University of Regensburg.

Contact with the industry

The close cooperation with R. Scheuchl GmbH allows a direct practical realisation.

Environmentally friendly developments

Specialisation in ecologically safe formulations, use of inexpensive and environmentally compatible solvents, new approaches based on surfactant-free microemulsions...

Our team

We are an interdisciplinary team of scientists with many years of experience in the field of chemistry of solutions, solvents and plant ingredients.
SKH formulation

Prof. Dr Werner Kunz


Managing Director SKH GmbH
Head of the Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Regensburg

SKH Phyto

Dr Marcel Flemming


Managing Director SKH GmbH
Head of Research & Development - Phyto

SKH formulation

Dr Eva Müller


Head of Research & Development - Formulation

Dr Theresa Höß

M. Sc. Chemistry

Project Manager Phyto & Formulation

SKH formulation

Jonas Blahnik

M. Sc. Chemistry

Project Manager Formulation

SKH formulation

Theresa Ferstl

Lab Technician Phyto & Formulation

Our history


Founded as a spin-off of the University of Regensburg and in close cooperation with R. Scheuchl GmbH.

Process development odour elimination for industry

Odour elimination by injecting special microemulsions to neutralise bad odours in industrial exhaust air.

New field of activity "Phyto

Development of special extraction and refinement processes for high-priced fragrant and aromatic plants as well as classical plant extractions and distillations on a laboratory and pilot scale.

EIP-Agri project on orris cultivation in Bavaria

In this three-year funding project, the cultivation and refinement of orris was established in Bavaria.


Spin-off of SKH Solutions GmbH, to support our industrial odour treatment customers.

Vision of an extract manufactory

In the near future, the establishment of an extract manufactory for the production of precious plant extracts is planned, as well as the production of an own perfume and cosmetics series.

We work with international clients

Selected references
Logo Hugo Haeffner
Logo Chancellor KVT
Logo Intelligent Fluids
Logo Oxford Biolabs
Logo CFM Oskar Tropitzsch
Logo Renosan
Logo Bavaria Pool